I usually arrive at the party with a big bag containing pictures for coloring, drawing instruments, different stuff for crafts, bubble blowers, air balloons, board games, puzzles, face painting kit etc. It may happen that I only use some of the stuff because kids have so many awesome ideas that we can do. So far all the parties have been very different and interesting both for kids and me. I like to listen kid's thoughts and together we figure out interesting activities and fun games that will suit everyone. If they don't have ideas of their own then they will certainly find something from my craft and game bag that will fascinate them. I like the party to be turned out just the way kids like instead pushing my own activities. 

Our parties are always very fun and spirited and once in a while some grown-ups with an inner child who grave some playful moments have also joined with our party. Some of them have returned to the main party with cool face paintings or a fancy drawing.